FLEXPART was originally developed to simulate the dispersion of dangerous substances from point sources and was validated for such applications with data from continental-scale tracer experiments. It was then used for case studies of intercontinental air pollution transport, also from forest fires. It was also used as a forecast tool for flight planning during field missions and for Lagrangian climatologies of global pollution transport, stratosphere-troposphere exchange and the global water cycle (Stohl., 2006; https://doi.org/10.1029/2005JD006888).
Improved trajectory accuracy, shape defintion of aerosol particles, improved wet deposition, functionality from FLEXPART-CTM model, incorporation of Open Multi-Processing parallelisation.
Lucie Bakels
eccodes, netcdf (optional), openmp (optional)
Version 10
Date released
Important Changes
Main author
Libs required
some corrections, mostly in makefile. Allows to compile without netcdf installed.
Leo Haimberger, University of Vienna, Austria, See contact
Henrik Grythe, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Norway, See contact
Espen Sollum, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Norway, See contact
Delia Arnold, Geosphere Austria
Paul Skomorowski, Geosphere Austria
Gerhard Wotawa, Geosphere Austria
John F Burkhart, University of Oslo, Norway, See contact
Adam Dingwell, Uppsala University, Sweden
Harald Sodemann, University of Bergen, Norway, See contact
Bert Verreyken, Royal Belgian Institute of Space Aeronomy, Belgium
The reference of FLEXPART-WRF is:
J. Brioude, D. Arnold, A. Stohl, M. Cassiani, D. Morton, P. Seibert, W. Angevine, S. Evan, A. Dingwell, J. D. Fast, R. C. Easter, I. Pisso, J. Burkhart, and G. Wotawa (2013): The Lagrangian particle dispersion model FLEXPART-WRF version 3.1. Geoscientific Model Development, 6(6), 1889-1904, URL: http://www.geosci-model-dev.net/6/1889/.
This version fixes the problems reported in tickets #99, #58, #103, #74. Some problems and with netcdf reading have been reported and fixes given by Alan Griffiths.
The model description can be accessed at J. Brioude et al. (2013, GMD). Compared to version 3.0, it has bugfixes on heat flux, NetCDF output and CBL scheme. The code can be tested using testcase input data and the corresponding WRF input files
Developed by J. Brioude et al. (2013). It is based on FLEXPART 9.02, with parallel computing capabilities, netCDF output and several options for the vertical wind among other characteristics. The code can be tested using testcase input data and the corresponding WRF input files
Use of global fields allowed (polar stereographic grids), Nesting allowed, CET option introduced, New method of adding random errors to uncertainty trajectories