
FLEXPART was originally developed to simulate the dispersion of dangerous substances from point sources and was validated for such applications with data from continental-scale tracer experiments. It was then used for case studies of intercontinental air pollution transport, also from forest fires. It was also used as a forecast tool for flight planning during field missions and for Lagrangian climatologies of global pollution transport, stratosphere-troposphere exchange and the global water cycle (Stohl., 2006;


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Version 11

Version Date released Download Important Changes Main author Libs required
11.0 tba Source code Improved trajectory accuracy, shape defintion of aerosol particles, improved wet deposition, functionality from FLEXPART-CTM model, incorporation of Open Multi-Processing parallelisation. Lucie Bakels eccodes, netcdf (optional), openmp (optional)

Version 10

Version Date released Download Important Changes Main author Libs required
10.4.1 - n/a some corrections, mostly in makefile. Allows to compile without netcdf installed. Petra eccodes, netcdf, openmpi (optional)
* 10.4 20 Nov 2019 download:66 this is the version described in the Fp10 Paper. Ignacio/NILU grib_api/eccodes, netcdf, openmpi (optional)
10.3.x_beta July 2019, not a release part of course tarball changes in SPECIES, minor changes eccodes, netcdf (optional)
10.3beta5 commit 348abf6 18 Feb 2019 download:63 Wet deposition using cloud ice and water, skewed CBL turbulence, MPI version, etc; see Fp10 Paper. and Milestone 10 Ignacio, Espen and others (mostly NILU)

Version 9

Note that versions 9.1 and earlier are not yet ready for Grib Version 2. Without applying some changes, you can only use Grib1 input data!

Version Date released Download Important Changes Main author Libs required
9.3 2016-06-02 downloads/54 implementation of CTBTO project. WARNING: this is not a production-ready version. Some functionality of Fp is not supported +Don (Borealscience) and others
9.2 in preparation n/a major code review, effiency and bug fixes, see #101 +Petra (BOKU/UNIVIE)
9.2beta 2014-11-05 n/a changeset:31 Grib2 met data supported, #101 netcdf output, unifies several separate additions, general streamlining; see Milestone 9.2 Harald (ETHZ), Ignacio (NILU)
9.1 2014-07-03 n/a changeset:27 #94 namelist input Harald (ETHZ) see v8.2
9.0.3* 2018-06-01 downloads/60 bug fixes: #139 (bad do loop), #49 (erf type) +Petra see v8.2
9.0.2 2012-05-10 downloads/8 see v8.2
9.0.1 downloads/7 see v8.2
9.0 downloads/6 code in f90 free format (NILU) see v8.2

Version 8

Version Date released Download Important Changes Main author Libs required
8.2.3 2011-08-04 downloads/4 bugfix verttransform see v8.2
8.2.2 2011-05-19 downloads/3 bugfix domainfill see v8.2
8.2.1 2011-05-16 downloads/2 bugfix outgrid_ini, wetdepo see v8.2
8.2 2010-11-29 downloads/5 supports GRIB2, some dynamic memory alloc, ... details NILU jasper>1.900.1 grib_api>1.8 emos>372(opt.)
8.1 2009-07-02 downloads/1 mostly bugfixes. More space for windfield names. details NILU jasper>1.900.1 grib_api>1.8 emos>372(opt.)
8.0 2008-09-02 n/a below/in-cloud wet scav., unified ECMWF/NFS, modified output format ... Sabine Eckhardt (NILU) jasper, grib_api


Version Year/Month Important Changes Main author Libs required
7 Not released?
6.4 2005-11 GFS version with S. Eckhardt
6.1 2005-02 convection improvements, domain-filling, output nests A. Stohl, C. Forster emos
5.1 2004-03 better bwd simulations and i/o with P. Seibert and A. Frank
5.0 2002-08 better bwd simulations and i/o with P. Seibert and A. Frank
4 2001-06 convection scheme with P. Seibert
3 1999-07 density correction with D. Thomson
2 1997-10 deposition added, validated with ETEX A. Stohl
1 1996 mean and turbulent transport A. Stohl

List of FLEXPART developers

Currently active developers of FLEXPART



Geosphere Austria

Other institutes

Previously active developers


Version Date released Download Important Changes Main author(s)
5.1 = alife 4/2017 n/a various improvements and adaptations A. Philipp, P. Seibert
5* 12/2011 downloads/25 Reading of grib2 format as in FLEXPART 8.2.2 (this implies Fortran90 with grib_api as module) S. Eckhardt?
4.0 7/2008 downloads/24 Merging GFS and ECMWF version, implementation of GRIB2 with grib_api library for GFS S. Eckhardt
MH 2006 n/a mixing height calculation and ouput - THIS IS A BRANCH D. Arnold
3.3 9/2000 n/a various changes ?
3.2b 3/2000 downloads/21 Output of humidity data along trajectories; fix important bug in gridcheck_nests.f A. Stohl
3.2d 6/2000 downloads/23 Changes in variable names, output format P. Seibert
3.2c 5/2000 downloads/22 Bug fix: (avoid crash when the starting time of the first/last trajectory coincides with the first/last wind field) A. Stohl
3.1 9/1999 downloads/20 Introduction of the FLIGHT mode, bug fix in trajinterpol.f A. Stohl
3.0 1/1999 downloads/19 Use of global fields allowed (polar stereographic grids), Nesting allowed, CET option introduced, New method of adding random errors to uncertainty trajectories A. Stohl
2.0 7/1998 downloads/18 Various improvements and bug fixes, many related to isentropic trajectories and to PV A. Stohl, P. Seibert, G. Wotawa, P. James
1.0 1996 n/a -- A. Stohl, G. Wotawa, P. Seibert