Tools for preparing input and postprocessing
Preparation and postprocessing tools are available to prepare the meteorological input data and plot the FLEXPART output. FLEXDUST prepares particle release files for dust from barren lands globally. FLEXINVERT is a Bayesian inversion framework for the optimisation of surface to atmosphere fluxes using FLEXPART output.
- Prepare meteorological input data from ECMWF and NCEP/GFS for FLEXPART
- ECMWF input data:
- In order to extract data from the ECMWF MARS archive, one needs an account at ECMWF. Reanalysis and MACC/CAMS data are publicly available. The procedure for registration is explained on the ECMWF web site. Consider the applicable licence. For other data (e.g., operational IFS data) a member-state or special-project account is required. Contact your national meteorological service if you need this and your country is among the ECMWF member states.
- Extract and preprocess the meteorological data with flex_extract:
flex_extract Gitlab
- The changelog can be found (Roadmap) here:
flex_extract changelog
- Find the documentation here:
flex_extract documentation
- Recording of Anne’s lecture on FLEX_EXTRACT v7.x:
- GFS input data:
- NCEP Final Operational Global Analysis Data (FNL) are available from the NCAR website. (Note: downloading data requires registration):
NCAR website
- A Python script (from the 2019 training course):
Note: The links inside the Python script might not be up-to-date.
Generate AVAILABLE file:
- Postprocess of FLEXPART output
- FLEXDUST (generator of RELEASES files for dust)
- FLEXINVERT inversion modelling tool: