Changeset 8c0ae9b in flexpart.git for options/SPECIES

Aug 27, 2020, 8:06:04 PM (4 years ago)
Espen Sollum ATMOS <eso@…>
GFS_025, dev
1070b4c, aa939a9
be58fd1 (diff), 3ea93bb (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent.

Merge branch 'dev' of into dev

1 added
1 edited



    r547b188 rf612b17  
    1919Below-cloud scavenging
    2020- Gases:
    21         A and B are the parameters for below-cloud scavenging defined by Eq. scavenging coefficient = A x precipitation-rate^B
     21    A and B are the parameters for below-cloud scavenging defined by Eq. scavenging coefficient = A x precipitation-rate^B
    2222        If you migrate from FLEXPART version 9.2 and below this is equal to A and B as it was.
    2323- Particles:
    24         A "rain collection efficiency" 
    25         B "snow collection efficiency" are both defined by Equations 46-47.
    26         Suggested values for particle scavenging are A=1.0,B=1.0.
    27         Using values A=0.2 and B=0.2 will give results close to the old scavenging scheme of FLEXPART version 9.2 and below.
     24    A "rain collection efficiency" 
     25    B "snow collection efficiency" are both defined by Equations 46-47.
     26    Suggested values for particle scavenging are A=1.0,B=1.0.
     27    Using values A=0.2 and B=0.2 will give results close to the old scavenging scheme of FLEXPART version 9.2 and below.
    2929In-cloud scavenging
    3232    If you migrate from FLEXPART version 9.2 and below this is equal to Ai and Bi should be set to 1
    3333- Particles:
    34         Ai ("Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) efficiency")
    35         Bi ("Ice Nuclei (IN) efficiency")                  are both from Eq. 51.       
    36         Suggested values for particle scavenging are  Ai=0.9 and Bi=0.1.
    37         Using values Ai=0.9 and Bi=0.9 should give results cto the old scavenging scheme of FLEXPART version 9.2 and below.
     34    Ai ("Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) efficiency")
     35    Bi ("Ice Nuclei (IN) efficiency")                  are both from Eq. 51.   
     36    Suggested values for particle scavenging are  Ai=0.9 and Bi=0.1.
     37    Using values Ai=0.9 and Bi=0.9 should give results cto the old scavenging scheme of FLEXPART version 9.2 and below.
    4040- Gases:
    41         D is the diffusivity of water vapor and
    42         D_i is the diffusivity of the species,
    43         H is the effective Henry’s constant,
    44         f0 varies between 0 and 1 and gives the reactivity of a species relative to that of ozone. For non-reactive species f0 is 0, for slightly reactive it is 0.1 and for highly reactive it is 1.
    45         Dry deposition of gases is switched off by negative D.
     41    D is the diffusivity of water vapor and
     42    D_i is the diffusivity of the species,
     43    H is the effective Henry’s constant,
     44    f0 varies between 0 and 1 and gives the reactivity of a species relative to that of ozone. For non-reactive species f0 is 0, for slightly reactive it is 0.1 and for highly reactive it is 1.
     45    Dry deposition of gases is switched off by negative D.
    4646- Particles:
    47         rho specifies the density of the substance,
    48         dquer its mean diameter
    49         dsig the measure of variation.
    50         If no detailed information for deposition velocity calculation is available, a constant deposition velocity vd [cm s-1] can be used.
    51         Dry deposition of particles is switched off by negative rho.
     47    rho specifies the density of the substance,
     48    dquer its mean diameter
     49    dsig the measure of variation.
     50    If no detailed information for deposition velocity calculation is available, a constant deposition velocity vd [cm s-1] can be used.
     51    Dry deposition of particles is switched off by negative rho.
    5353OH REACTION:
    54         can be turned on by giving parameter C [cm^3/molecule/sec]], D [K] and N [no unit] positive values, defined by Eq. 39.
    55         OH reaction is switched off by negative C.
     54    can be turned on by giving parameter C [cm^3/molecule/sec]], D [K] and N [no unit] positive values, defined by Eq. 39.
     55    OH reaction is switched off by negative C.
    5757Optionally  emission variation information
    58         can be added at the end of the file, defined as following: Since FLEXPART version 6.0, emission factors can be defined that change the temporal variation of particle releases. This is useful, for instance,
     58    can be added at the end of the file, defined as following: Since FLEXPART version 6.0, emission factors can be defined that change the temporal variation of particle releases. This is useful, for instance,
    5959to simulate the typical daily and weekly cycle of anthropogenic emissions. The emission factors are given in the file of the
    6060corresponding species SPECIES_nnn, where nnn is the species number defined in file RELEASES. If no emission variation
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